moNeY CaN BuY The HouSe
but MoNey caN'T BuY HoMe
moNey Can Buy aNyThinG
But MoNey can'T bUy LoVe
MoNey CaN BuY waTer
BuT caN'T Buy RaiN
moNey caN BuY GlorY
buT cN'T DreaM
MoNey CaN Give LiFe
BuT caN't GiVe HaPPiNeSs
MoneY caN sOlVe PrObLem
BuT caN'T Give CaLmNess
mONeY CaN Buy peOpLe
But cN'T ParenTs
MoNey CaN BuY sOmething speciaL
But cN't Buy exPerIenCe
MoNeY CaN Buy a heaRt
BuT Can'T Buy feeLinG
MoNeY CaN CHanGe The iDentitY
But moNeY caN'T ChanGe The PerSon
MoNeY CaN CHanGe The WaY oF liFe
BuT moNey CanT ensuRe FactoR HaPPeninG in Life……………………………
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